News and Comment Page


November 1999

 Where are the Mavericks?

The past one hundred years has seen the gradual widespread acceptance by a professing Church in the throes of a great apostasy of every heresy imaginable: an errant Bible, feminism, women ordained to a ruling/teaching ministry, interfaithism, false ecumenism, homosexuality, enthusiasm,19 the effeminacy of the New Evangelicalism, compromise on every side. Especially is this the case in the establishment Church of England. Where are the mavericks within that organisation who will publicly and credibly stand up to the evil among its leadership? It's archbishop and bishops are nothing more than politicians and liberal politicians at that! They can do what they like even deny the truth of the Bible and no one raises a word against it. While the world attacks the Church and its teaching, the bishops enjoy a superannuated sleep in their palaces and mansions.

Quote from a recent edition of "Diakrisis" by Alan Morrison

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