There can be no ignoring of the "Doctrines of Grace"; if they are not preached and confessed, they are denied. Every preacher, every Church, every member of every Church must take a stand regarding them, and does take a stand. It is impossible not to. For they are writ large on the pages of Scripture, as essential elements of the gospel. Whoever rejects them embraces the only alternative - a system of doctrine that is opposed to the Gospel of grace in every point.

Total Depravity

Does a man reject total depravity? Then he believes that fallen, natural man yet retains some good and some ability for good, specifically a will that is able to make a decision for Christ; that man outside of Christ is not dead in sins, but merely sick, that is, not dead, but alive.

Unmerited Election

Does a man reject unmerited election? Then he believes that God chooses to save some on the basis of their merit. If anyone has some merit by which to claim or earn salvation, then he has something whereof to boast. He is not saved by grace alone and God therefore does not get all the glory. But God says He will not give his glory to another!

Limited Atonement

Does a man reject limited atonement? Then he believes that Jesus died for each and every human being without exception. Because both Scripture and the hard facts of life teach that some men do perish in hell, this advocate of universal atonement believes that the death of Jesus did not actually atone for sins at all, but merely made atonement possible; that the cross was not the payment of the ransom in the stead of every one for whom Christ died, but merely an example of love; that the suffering of the Son of God did not effectively satisfy the justice of God by bearing sins away, but merely...? Did what? Anything at all? And if not, was He really the eternal Son of God in the flesh?

Irresistible Grace

Does a man reject irresistible grace? Then he believes that God's call to salvation and the grace of the Holy Spirit depend upon the acceptance of the sinner by the exercise of his "free will," so that God's grace can be defeated and fail. Further, he believes that, whenever a sinner does come to Jesus in true faith and receives salvation, this is not due to the grace of God, but to the good will of the sinner.

Perseverance of the Saints

Does a man reject the perseverance of saints? Then he believes that every believer can fall away and perish at any time, including himself.

Election and Predestination

Does a man reject the doctrines of election and predestination? Then he believes that the ultimate source and foundation of salvation is man's choice, decision, and will.

The Gospel of Grace or Salvation by Works

In the end, there are two, and only two, possible faiths. The one maintains that all mankind lies in death; that God in free and sovereign grace eternally chose some; that God gave Christ to die for those whom He chose; that the Holy Spirit regenerates them and calls them efficaciously to faith; and that the Spirit preserves these elect, redeemed, and reborn sinners unto everlasting glory. This is the gospel of grace.

The other faith maintains that fallen man retains some spiritual ability for good, some life; that God's choice of men depends upon their exercise of the ability for good that is in them; that Christ's death depends upon that good in man; and that the attainment of final glory depends upon that good in man. This is the enemy of the Gospel! For the gospel proclaims salvation by grace; the other faith preaches salvation by man's will and works and worth.

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